+92 (0) 300 501 5393
Mon - Fri : 08 AM - 05 PM
Zarephath Bible Seminary



Jerusalem is a city chosen by God Almighty to make His dwelling among His people. Jesus Christ entered this city – a triumphal event. The city was neither big, nor spread on an attractive plane, but on a terraced 3000 foot hill. It had valleys on the southern and eastern sides. It was not pleasant to walk through one of these valleys since this was the garbage dumps for the city. It was not easy entering from the Eastern side. It is a paradox that this city became the entrance for a king who will reign over the hearts of men, rather than over their land. Which other city is a corridor for three inhabited continents in the first century AD? The message of God’s love and salvation was to be announced from here, the city at the centre of the world.

The cast: Jesus accompanied by his disciples was staying outside of Jerusalem at the time of large influx of people at the festival. Some of his disciples were also excited to see him as one who would lead freedom fighters against western occupiers, the Romans. Jesus asked for a donkey, a household animal for travel and work. The owner gave it happily. People have given their money, their possessions, and their lives for God’s work. It is a joy when you can be a part of great triumphal procession. “Papa why are we giving this colt to these men?” a child might have asked. “Son, let us join the procession lest we are left behind.” May our sons and daughters be those who will join the march for Jesus, who will shout for him, talk for him, and live for him in the world’s squares!

The picture: The king is coming with the message of peace, reconciliation, forgiveness, and love. It’s one thing to have the rhetoric of peace and another thing to forgive those who crucify you. Using force to win hearts and minds is not the way of Jesus and he did not manipulate the crowds to lead them to storm the governor’s house. He was not looking for a short-lived victory. As a king from the Davidic lineage he was to reign forever. His entry to the city was prophesied by the prophet Zechariah during the time of BC 480. He still lives and reigns in millions of hearts because of his humble and reconciliatory approach to men, women, and children. His royal linage helps his followers and millions of Muslims to wait for his second coming, much more magnificent than entering Jerusalem through the golden gate entrance descending from the Mount of Olives. Join the procession now and give whatever you have. The backdrop of this great procession was the sentimental and religious feelings of the masses around the major feasts of Passover, Dedication, and Tabernacles. All of these three feasts have a spiritual and historical meaning for the Israelites. This king is going to give a new meaning to all the festivities.

The slogan: A one word slogan was used “hosanna,” a Hebrew expression to shout “save”. Perhaps people were thinking about the impeding salvation in terms of political freedom from the tyrannical rule of Romans who used to crucify more than 500 who had resisted their rule. Jesus was going to be one of those crucified ones after a week’s time. But he then would meet the demand of the people for salvation, not in a political sense, but from the bondage of sin.

The passage ends with response of people when asked who he was. “He is a prophet from Galilee.” His humble birth, a childhood lived in Nazareth in a carpenter’s shop and hailing from Galilee, a backward area, populated with gentiles did not make him a popular figure to be followed. It is his life, deeds, and message which attracts people today. Thousands are putting their faith on Jesus today despite his humble and unattractive social or geographical background. You may be a person whom friends may despise because of social or ethnic background, not so with Jesus, he loves all, and he has experienced ridicule and rejection. He understands all and yet wants them to join the triumphal procession. Join Him, shout for Him, the march goes on!!